We have 2 Telegram channels dedicated to updating our communities with special announcements that will contain updates regarding our projects and partners.
For Projects: This channel is dedicated to announcing new partnerships with VCs to our clients. It may help them find the partners they need to reach their goals and objectives. It is also a good opportunity for them to show their evolution in terms of project development. The project channel can be found here.
For VCs: In this channel, we plan to present the new projects that need to raise funds by teasing the VCs and providing the most valuable information about our client's projects, and let them contact us in case they want to know more. We will also provide some updates regarding the projects our community has already funded, this helps our VCs to be confident regarding our services. The VCs Club can be found here.
If there is demand from the community, we plan to introduce periodic Ask-Me-Anything (AMA) sessions.
Last updated